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Since 2012
15 Years Exp
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Johnathan Geary looking down. Johnathan Geary looking into the camera.
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My name is Johnathan Geary
I'm a multi-talent digital artist of 10+ years with a website design and development focus.
It's my absolute pleasure to meet your acquaintance.
An autonomously skilled developer pursuing a challenging role in full-stack web development, dedicated to delivering top-notch, customized solutions and showcasing agility in mastering new software technologies for innovative contributions to organizational success.
My goal is to be one of the first to successfully market a creative brand with multiple specialties.
Johnathan Geary in his Secret Lab (CyberPunk 2077 Collab) chair.
Being 33 years old now, I started my journey in high school. Instead of playing video games (which usually took computer power that I didn’t have) everyday after school, I decided to learn how to video edit my favorite anime’s and make anime music videos. I learned how to code my myspace page which turned into coding how-to / tutorial pages for my favorite card game. I learned how to edit graphics and graphic design simply because I like art. I would pull images some of my favorite public figures, remove the background of these figures, and create a whole new environment for those figures. This included learning about composition, quality, asset management, and visual effects. All of this in my “free time” after all the school and homework I did in my later teen years.
Johnathan Geary in his Secret Lab (CyberPunk 2077 Collab) chair.
Past Works
Produced by my skill
Web Develop­ment
work status: pending
active status: unknown
2014 client
Resou­rceful Recor­dings
I was contacted by this client from a free ad I posted on Burlington, VT Craigslist Classified. I was informed that this client records conference sessions for his clients and needs a way to fulfill his clients needs by providing a quiz and certificate fulfillment system. There was no real way for this client to have the solutions created for the kind of business he was doing at the time I was contacted. I stated that I was a website developer in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at the time and did not know how to code processing scripts that they would’ve needed. Though, I mentioned I was a quick learner and learned how to code with these languages on my own and was perfectly capable of finding out how to code the web solutions they needed for the company to grow. As the trust was being utilized, I continued to deliver my promise time and time again.
My Role: Creative Director
Technology Used:
Atom Visual Studio Code HTML CSS PHP JavaScript
Features/Utility Created:
Digital Library, Quizzing System, Automatic PDF Editing, Login, Invite Only Signup, Vimeo API
The main challenge was to learn a language that I didn’t already know (PHP, MySQLi, phpMyAdmin, Database Structuring).
As of right now, the relationship has been pending due to bigger projects hitting my desk and the lack of communication between the companies. Although, for the time that these websites I built were used, they were used continuously and planned to completely redo the branding of Resourceful Recordings.
work status: complete
active status: live
2022 client
J Bones Music­land
J Bones Musicland became a client of mine through word of mouth. I did a website for a past client, Joel Gorman, and he recommended me for website development. We sat down and talked about the needs of the company in regards to the website. I was fully capable to build this website for J Bones Musicland. I also created a video, logo, and branding guide for the website during the development.
My Role: Creative Director
Technology Used:
Atom Visual Studio Code HTML CSS JavaScript PHP Adobe Lightroom Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Illustrator Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro
Features/Utility Created:
Branding Front, Branding Content, Professional Look, Virtual Impressions
The only real challenge was the revisions we had made. Otherwise, J Bones Musicland was very happy with most of the initial outcomes.
I had successfully created and maintained the website I made for J Bones Musicland. As a plus, I had delivered the video with a logo and branding guide.
all my visual portfolio pieces exist on Behance! click to visit